Martes, Setyembre 13, 2011

what is computer?

                 A computer is an electronic hardware device. It operates and functions under the control of instructions in the memory called PROGRAMS. They are two types of programs, system programs ,and application programs. Sytem programs control the computer and monitor activities of the computer while appliction programs perform a specific task .For instance, Word processing, spreadsheets and games.People use the computer as a means to do certain tasks and attain certain objectives.

                      There are six elements of computer system. First on the list is People. They are the most important element of a computer system. They run and operate the computer because computers will not work on their own. They need people to operate on them. the second element is Procedure. Thy are step by step instruction to follow when using hardware and software. They are programs or instructions that a computer must follow  to do its task. The purpose of software is to process data into useful information for people. then, The fourth essential element that a computer system must have is hardware. It is the physical  equipment that you can feel and touch. Hardware include the CPU,mouse,printer,speaker,and the monitor.

                  A computer works like a human brain. The store information from our sense of touch,sight,
smell, and taste. The brain uses these to guide human actions. So does the computer it needs information that enters the computer is called DATA. It is one of the computer system important elements. this includes texts, and numbers,sounds,images,and videos that we input in the compiler for processing and lastly the connectivity. It means that a computers must be connected to others computers especially through the internet. Using the internet , people can share and access data from all over the world.

                      This so called programmable electronic device can receive and accept data, then process using the program set by the user.  Data entered in the computer are in the form of either texts,pictures and images,sounds,and  videos. The computer processes these  data and then produce an output information for use now or in the future by people. Processed information for  future use one stored in the computer's storage. Computers  today have a lot storage capacity to save information.

                         The computer is an electronic machine that is capable of accepting data and manipulating or processing  this data into meaningful results results of information. It is a device that performs mathematical and logical operations and process results in a form readable by humans or by machines. Early computers were mainly used to compute; that is to add,subract,multiply and divide so on. TOday, computer do a great variety of other task such as text processing and the handling of huge quantities of information.


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